Cigar Pairings Guide: Whiskey and Beyond
Enhancing the enjoyment of a favorite cigar and elevating the flavor of a cherished whiskey or bourbon can transform an ordinary experience into a symphony of taste. The following guide will help you learn the basics of pairing adult beverages and cigars to make some of your favorite cigars and drinks even more delicious the next time you combine both worlds.
The Cigar Lounge Experience
It’s hard to enter any cigar lounge ...Continue
Cigar Industry Statistics, Trends and charts in 2023
Research Summary
Swiss Cuban Cigars conducted a cigar industry data analysis to uncover the current trends of the market. Our research covers various aspects of the cigar industry, including market trends, revenue statistics, cigar consumption statistics among different age groups and genders, the structural divisions of the cigar market, the health effects of using cigars, and much more.
This research provides critical data to anyone interested in cigar market trends including cigar ...Continue
Cigar 101: No Two Cigars Are The Same
Any common man (or woman) would look at two of the same thing – same in size, origin, color, shape, etc. – and assume they would perform the same. However, with cigars, this is certainly not the case. In fact, every single cigar smokes a bit differently, and that is what also makes buying and smoking cigars so unique. Each purchase is a process.
While the same cigar maker can have ...Continue
How to Fix My Over-Humidified Cigars?
Yuck - Squishy, moist cigars are about as appealing as smoking a wet sponge. Whether you bought your cigars overhumidifed, or neglected your humidor for a bit too long, over-humidification is a common issue with at-home humidors. So how do I get my cigars back to smoking condition? First let’s look at the why and how humidification affects your cigars.
How Humidification Works
Humidification isn’t exclusive to cigars alone, several industries including ...Continue
The 5 Best Cuban Cigars to Start Your Journey From
Starting Out With Cubans
Every cigar aficionado had to start somewhere. No matter if you began smoking Dutchmasters from the gas station convenience store or got spoiled with something like a Padron from a generous family member during a party, there was always a first. However, one’s appreciation for what they’re smoking drastically changes from that first one – whether they coughed it up or enjoyed it from foot to nub. ...Continue
Do Cigars Really Get Better with Age?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There’s nothing more tempting than tearing into a brand new box of cigars, breaking out some bourbon and lighting up the first cigar in the box. I’m here to tell you… STOP!
Before lighting up there are several factors about a cigar's age that need to be explained, and I’m going to walk you through the seemingly complicated debate of aging cigars.
Let’s elaborate….
Is it True Cigars Get Better with Age?
The Short ...Continue
DIY Humidors
There is nothing more satisfying than reaching into a DIY humidor and pulling out a good cigar. Not just any humidor, but a humidor that you made to age your fine cigars.
This guide will show you how to make a humidor that will keep your cigars properly maintained. It will help you save money that can be spent on more cigars. Discover how to make a DIY humidor from ...Continue
Pairing Cigars and Beer
Cigars and beer are a surprisingly natural pairing.. The savory and sweet notes of cigars blend well with the bitter, hoppy flavor of a wide range of light and dark beers.
You can create the perfect combination for your taste. However, you must take care to pair strong beers with strong cigars, and lighter beers with mild cigars. This is critical for keeping the flavors and aromas of either the cigar ...Continue
Cigar and Whisky and More Great Cigar Pairings
When you pair a good cigar with a delicious drink, you increase the complexity of the flavor profile. There’s more balance and more nuance on your palate. . Cigar and whisky combinations are the most highly valued marriages, but other beverages can complement the cigar just as well.
Cigar connoisseurs have long turned to beverages that provide additional flavors that can enrich, harmonize, or contrast with the creamy vanilla or caramel ...Continue
Cuban Cars – Everything You Need to Know
Vintage cars are one of Cuba’s legendary allures. These classic Cuban cars are almost exclusively from before the 1960s, yet they’re not rusty ruins. On any Cuban streets you’ll find a wonderful assortment of carefully preserved classic bars - they’re not Cuban car models, but they feel as Cuban as rum and cigars.
Part of Cuba’s allure for visitors is that the island is almost exclusively populated by cars built before ...Continue